

I don't really participate in a lot of the Christian rituals nowadays. Hell, I barely like associating with the overtly theological. But, there is definitely something of value that the religion still holds for me. Maybe it's just me being nostalgic for a time when life was less worrisome. I was able to spend a little time reflecting on religion and its role in my life as it is right now. And so, the question arose: how exactly do I fit in Christianity and its sometimes unwieldy theological notions into my life as it is right now? It's late and I don't have to consciousness required to write a very long post so I'll just write down what stuck out for me today. Well, without using overt theology, which I find has the risk of appearing and existing as lip service. God isn't as specific an entity as he "felt" back in the day. It's honestly hard for me to believe that God is a truly active being right now. But I do believe that he is at least a thread that connects my life together and it helps to direct me on a conceptual level. Anyway, what I realized in the midst of drowning in my growing pool of anxiety and regret, is that I shouldn't worry about tomorrow. Even if all those things that I'm striving towards fails tomorrow, I'll still wake up the next day, just to continue living a life where loving others matters. The rest of these details, while still important, shouldn't be allowed to drag me to hell. I should breathe a little more I guess ...

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